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  • Writer's pictureBright Wisdom

The Most Common Job Interview Questions: Becoming a Movement Coach for the Elderly

I recently participated in a Career Development program tailored for Korean immigrants, particularly focusing on empowering women seeking to expand their career horizons.

During our most recent session, we delved into the nuances of Job Interview Skills, exploring strategies for responding to common interview questions and navigating the intricacies of the interview process.

While many of the concepts discussed may seem like common sense, I found immense value in revisiting them within the structured framework of the session. The content was presented thoughtfully, with each point supported by compelling rationale, which reinforced their importance in the interview context.

lecturer giving a job interview skills seminar
Job Interview Skills

Our assignment for the week involved preparing for a mock interview, simulating questions relevant to a job we aspire to pursue.

Given that I am currently not actively seeking employment, I took the liberty of crafting a hypothetical scenario: the role of a movement coach for the elderly, a position that piques my interest and aligns with my background and skills.

Now, let's delve into the 12 possible job interview questions I've selected

1.      Tell me about yourself.

2.      Why are you interested in this position?

3.      Can you walk me through your resume?

4.      What are your thoughts on getting old and old people?

5.      Describe a challenging situation and how you handled it.

6.      What are your long-term goals?

7.      How do you handle constructive criticism?

8.      How do you handle stress?

9.      How do you stay organized?

10.  How do you work in a team?

11.  What are your biggest achievements?

12.  Do you have any questions for us?

I am going to answer each question, and I believe it's a good idea to document my responses here.

This way, I'll have a reference in case I encounter similar interview opportunities in the future.

1.   Tell me about yourself.


Hello, and thank you for the opportunity. As outlined in my CV, I bring with me over two decades of experience in both dance and meditation guidance. Through years of performing, teaching dance, and leading meditation sessions, I have honed skills that I believe are invaluable in enhancing the well-being of others. With our society's average lifespan now exceeding 80 years and a growing emphasis on aging well, I am eager to apply my expertise to support individuals through tailored physical activity programs. My goal is not only to assist others but also to enrich my own journey towards aging gracefully by promoting holistic wellness.



2. Why are you interested in this position?


Maintaining our health becomes increasingly vital as we age, and I firmly believe in the adage 'health is wealth.' As someone in their mid-40s, I am acutely aware of the changes in my own movement abilities compared to my time as a professional dancer. Recognizing the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and active, I am motivated to contribute positively to the well-being of others. By leveraging my expertise in movement and teaching, I am eager to empower individuals to age gracefully. Ultimately, my interest in this position stems from a genuine desire to support others in their journey towards optimal health and vitality.



Job interview
Job Interview

3.      Can you walk me through your resume?

(I made a two-page CV for this homework, and it was again good practice for me.)


Of course. I've structured my resume with simplicity in mind, aiming to highlight key experiences on the first page and provide more detailed insights on the second page. My academic journey began with a focus on psychology and Japanese studies at university. However, my passion for dance ultimately led me to pursue a career in this field. Alongside dancing, I embarked on a personal quest for understanding life's deeper meaning, which led me to explore meditation practices. Remarkably, I've been fortunate to maintain both my dedication to dance and my commitment to meditation, and now, these complementary disciplines converge harmoniously as I seek to support others on their wellness journeys.

 4.      What are your thoughts on getting old and older people?


The process of aging is an inherently universal aspect of life that affects us all, irrespective of our background, status, or appearance. It's a natural progression that underscores the value and fragility of our existence. While contemporary society often emphasizes the importance of maintaining a youthful appearance, the reality is that aging is inevitable. Consequently, it's essential to shift our focus towards appreciating the inherent worth of our beings as we age.


I firmly believe that growing older presents unique opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment. Unfortunately, many older individuals may succumb to societal pressures or internalized beliefs about their diminishing utility. However, I see this stage of life as an exciting chapter filled with possibilities. It's a time for profound maturity, reflection, and the sharing of wisdom with future generations. Central to this journey is the preservation of both mental and physical well-being, ensuring that we can fully embrace and enjoy the process of aging. Personally, I am committed to aging well, and I am passionate about encouraging others to recognize the beauty and richness that comes with each passing year.




5.      Describe a challenging situation and how you handled it.


In my experience of leading meditation sessions and dance workshops, I've encountered few situations that I would categorize as 'challenging.' However, there have been instances where technical issues, such as a malfunctioning computer or incompatible sound system, have presented unexpected obstacles. In such moments, I swiftly pivot to adapt to the available resources, ensuring that the session continues smoothly within the given constraints. One memorable example occurred during a seminar I led in Ethiopia, Africa, where a sudden power outage plunged the room into darkness. Initially taken aback by the unforeseen circumstance, I observed the calm demeanor of the attendees who nonchalantly used their phone torches to illuminate the space. Drawing inspiration from their adaptability, I proceeded with the session without relying on the computer presentation I had prepared, and the event proceeded seamlessly.


These experiences underscore the importance of flexibility and open-mindedness when navigating challenging situations. I've learned that insisting on old patterns or rigid ways of thinking can exacerbate difficulties. Instead, maintaining a flexible mindset and embracing adaptability allows me to effectively navigate unexpected challenges and continue delivering meaningful experiences for others.




6.      What are your long-term goals?


Long road
Long term goal

In the long term, my primary goal is to continue working for as long as I am able, finding fulfillment in both personal enrichment and making meaningful contributions to others' well-being.

This position aligns perfectly with my aspirations, as it allows me to pursue my passion for healthy aging while also positively impacting the lives of others.

Aging is inevitable for everyone, but I firmly believe in the importance of how we approach it. My focus is on aging healthily, not just for myself but also in supporting others to do the same.




7.      How do you handle constructive criticism?


Handling constructive criticism is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth, in my view. While initially challenging, I perceive it akin to bitter medicine that ultimately yields significant benefits. Upon receiving constructive feedback, I make a concerted effort to reflect on areas where improvement is needed and strive to enhance my skills accordingly. Drawing from my meditation practice, I find that it profoundly assists in this process by enabling me to release my self-centered viewpoint and cultivate a broader perspective. By creating mental space, meditation facilitates a deeper understanding of how constructive criticism can contribute to personal development. Consequently, I approach constructive criticism with an open mind and a willingness to embrace it as a catalyst for growth, ultimately finding joy in the journey of self-improvement.



8.      How do you handle stress?


Managing stress is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall well-being, and I've found it essential to adopt a holistic approach to cope effectively. Engaging in activities that nurture both my body and mind is paramount. For me, social dancing, such as salsa and tango, serves as a joyful outlet, allowing me to unwind and connect with others. Additionally, I find solace in outdoor activities like biking along the river or through the park, as well as immersing myself in nature through hiking in the mountains. Prioritizing a nutritious diet is equally important, as I believe it plays a significant role in mitigating stress levels. However, the cornerstone of my stress management routine lies in meditation. Through meditation practice, I've discovered a profound capacity to release negative emotions and cultivate a sense of inner peace, enabling me to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and clarity.



9.      How do you stay organized?


Staying organized is important for me, and I've found that a combination of strategies helps me effectively manage my tasks and responsibilities. Primarily, I rely on a diary where I list out everything I need to accomplish. By prioritizing tasks based on importance, I ensure that I allocate my time and energy efficiently. There's a sense of satisfaction in ticking off completed tasks, which serves as a motivating factor in maintaining my organizational routine. Overall, this approach not only keeps me on track but also provides a tangible sense of achievement as I progress through my daily responsibilities.



10.  How do you work in a team?


people working together
Team work

I find working in a team environment highly rewarding, as it allows individuals to leverage their unique strengths while supporting each other in areas of weakness.

The collective power of teamwork often turns daunting tasks into achievable goals. Clarity regarding our collective objectives is crucial for effective teamwork, as it fosters cooperation and alignment toward a shared purpose.

Personally, I prioritize active listening as a cornerstone of successful collaboration. Genuine communication thrives when team members attentively listen to one another, enabling us to effectively coordinate and achieve our shared objectives.



11.  What are your biggest achievements?


My most significant achievements stem from my unwavering passion for my work. For the past two decades, I've dedicated myself to guiding meditation and teaching dancing, endeavors that bring me immense joy and fulfillment. I take pride in the fact that I've remained committed to these pursuits without wavering, consistently striving to help others improve their lives through both physical and mental well-being. Throughout this journey, I've embraced continuous learning and personal development, allowing me to hone my skills and deepen my knowledge within my field. These achievements, marked by a grateful mindset, are not only sources of pride but also serve as a driving force for my ongoing growth and contributions.



12.  Do you have any questions for us?

Thank you for this opportunity to interview with you. It's been a pleasure sharing more about my background and experiences beyond what's on my CV.


Regarding professional development, I'm deeply committed to continual growth and learning, both for myself and the organizations I'm involved with. Could you please share what kind of professional development opportunities your company offers its staff members? I'm eager to understand how I can further develop my skills and contribute to the collective growth of the company.


a lecturer giving a talk
Career Development Workshop: Job Interview

Wrapping up, I must admit that I've never encountered this type of job interview format before, as my past experiences primarily involved auditions for dance roles.

Nevertheless, I'm genuinely excited about embracing new learning opportunities. I eagerly anticipate the upcoming classes in the program, especially those focusing on computer skills and the utilization of AI tools for career advancement.

It's a thrilling journey of growth and discovery, and I'm grateful for the chance to expand my skill set and knowledge base.


Ocean College
Mar 07


Wang Li
Feb 21



Lil Dups Jamain
Feb 21

Damn that was so inspiring

Bright Wisdom
Bright Wisdom
Feb 21
Replying to

Wow thank you 😊


David Clouston
David Clouston
Feb 21

I think you got the job 😁

Ocean College
Mar 07
Replying to


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