Here is a quiz for you.
If you get it right, I would say you are a genius!

Oh, well, if you don't get it, that's not the end of the world.
I just want you to remember that the answer to the question is the answer to everything.
It is something that can make the whole world into a dark place,
and yet, it can also turn the whole world into the brightest of places.
What is it that can at once make the whole world into hell, or into heaven?
What is it?
Think you got the answer?
I would recommend meditating on it for some time...
Are you just going to scroll down to find the answer?
Alright, I give you the answer.
The answer is
Do you get it?
Your mind can put you into the darkest place in the world and yet,
it can also just lift you up so high that you feel you are in heaven!
I hope you enjoyed the quiz and hope you look after your mind well!